Danielle Gorman, c-IAYT
Bodymind Yoga Therapist, Educator, and Trainer

BodyMind Therapy
with Danielle Gorman, c-IAYT, MEd
Hi, I am danielle.
I am a body mind therapist and educational consultant.
I am also in recovery from an eating disorder that dominated my body, mind, and soul for the first 45 years of my life. With the help of the 12 Steps, I have been living in a recovery from my abusive behaviors for 17 years. However, it took the full integration of myself as an embodied person to finally put down the management of my food and find complete freedom.
So, what is "an embodied person"? Good question! It is a person that uses their body as a resource for information and guidance as they move through their life. Others treat their body like a car that carries their head around. They fuel it and repair it when broken. If they think about it at all, it is to judge it because if it isn't the popular, new car they wanted. (You get the metaphor...)
Currently, in addition to a private body mind therapy practice, I created
8 Limbs for 12 Steps, a 16-week course that integrates embodiment into the 12 Step process. I also facilitate embodied mindfulness training courses for a variety of organizations and offer retreats and workshops on the 12 Steps.
Because I want to you have the greatest confidence in my ability to serve you, I sought out the highest level of training in yoga therapy, and was one of the first yoga therapists in Maine to receive full certification through the International Association of Yoga Therapist (IAYT). In my commitment to continue to grow as a yoga therapist, I a member of the mentoring faculty for Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy School. I also have a masters in Human Development, and extensive trauma, mindfulness, and intercultural competency training.
As a wife and mother of three extraordinary children, including one that struggles with a serious debilitating chronic illness, I know the potential damage that faces marriages, careers, and personal health when one's life is presented with challenges that no one ever chooses for themselves.
Without body mind therapy and the 12 Step recovery, I would never have found within myself the ability to accept and eventually embrace life circumstances. As a result, instead of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I now know Post Traumatic Growth.